Launch Your Fundraiser

What is a Tadpole?

A tadpole represents children who are looking for financial support for their organizations like schools, teams, or similar groups.

What is a Bug Collection?

A bug collection is a listing of all local coupons and deals (bugs) created by business sponsors (frogs). You may have used coupon books or deal cards before. Ours is unique because it is 100% digital. You can see below the many benefits to both fundraisers and subscribers.

Simultaneously Share and Collect

Streamline the process of fundraising by simultaneously collecting and delivering the product. Rather than pledging support, members can instantly pay and gain access to the discount directory.​

Share Digitally

Fast, easy way to share with family and friends via social media, email, or text.​


You can still go door-to-door to fundraise, but it isn't necessary since you can digitally share.

No Start Up Fees

There are no startup costs or pre-buys to sell the discount directory.​

Automatic Renewal

Community members often support the same organizations year after year. As long as they continue their membership in the discount directory the fundraising will continue. No need to solicit again year-after-year.​

Keep Half or MORE!

Simply ask new subscribers to mention your organization, team, or school when they checkout and you keep half.​

Register Your Tadpole Organization